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  • This machine is especially suitable for cooperating with other laser leveling machines produced by DYMAMIC to complete the subsequent spreading of emery materials. Эмери технология белән идарә итү белән, кулланучылар квадрат метрга таралган материал күләмен төгәл контрольдә тота алалар. The whole process is mechanized, avoiding various construction problems such as uneven material spread, dust and on-site footprints. It is an ideal choice to achieve the overall construction of large area of emery flooring.

  • The Laser Screed is used in large area concrete construction, such as the modern industrial workshop, the large market, storage, airport, the plaza, and so on. В


  • LS-325 provides a convenient, efficient and cost-effective solution to fully meet your floor construction needs. Theайланма тиз, эш итү җиңел, куллану бик җиңел. The size and weight of the equipment itself are reasonable in design, convenient for transportation and suitable for various working conditions such as ground, floor and underground parking garage.